EPAC Board Minutes - April 24, 2023

Minutes for École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, April 24, 2023 - 6:00 pm

Terrebonne Parish Library Main Branch, 151 Library Dr, Houma, LA 70360

The École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by Mr. McGrew on Monday, April 24, 2023 at the Terrebonne Parish Library Main Branch at 6:17 pm.

Member present were: Mr. Jesse Billiot, Mr. Donald Dardar, Ms. Dawn Lafont, Ms. Angel Ledet, Mr. William McGrew, Ms. Caitlin Orgeron, Ms. Mellissa Billiot Viguerie

  1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes (March 13, 2023)

    1. On motion of Ms. Lafont, seconded by Mr. Billiot, the École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors approved the meeting minutes for March 13, 2023.

  2. Review of Board Member Obligations and Required Disclosuers

    1. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. The Ethics Training must b e completed by the end of this calendar year.

      2. The Tier 2.1 Disclosure must be completed byt May 15.

  3. Discussion of Budget

    1. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. For FY 22-23 funds, a community non-profit will engage in a CEA with the Department of Treasury for expenditures of $2 million, subject to legal restrictions on capital improvements and other prepartory expenses for the school’s opening. The community non-profit will donate $1 million of the FY 22-23 funds to the École Pointe-au-Chien Board upon the agency’s formation of July 1, 2023.

      2. For FY 23-24 funds, Mr. McGrew is testifying to Senate and House committees to make sure budget Is secured.

    2. Vote on tentative plan for division of $3 million for FY 22-23 between FY 22-23 and FY 23-24.

      1. On motion of Ms. Lafont, seconded by Mr. Billiot, the École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors postponed this vote to the next meeting pending guidelines from DOT, DOA & House Appropriations.

  4. Consideration of Contracts for Services

    1. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. There is a need for Financial and Administrative Services and Marketing Services to prepare the school to open. The Board discussed whether the community non profit or Board would be responsible for these expenses.

  5. Hiring

    1. On motion of Mr. Billiot, seconded by Ms. Ledet, the École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors voted to authorize the Board to post job postings for the following roles, upon approval from DOA

      1. School Leader / Executive Director

      2. Finance Manager / Assistant Principal

    2. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. The proposed 8 positions and salaries estimates shared with DOA for the T. O.’s authorized in HB 1 were generally consistent with school’s needs.

  6. Discuss of Process for Bids for Provisional School Building

    1. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. The Board need bids on renovations to the provisional school building.

      2. The Board needs bids on classroom dividers and/or modular buildings for year 1.

      3. The Boards needs to identify

      4. Volunteers from Rebuilding Together New Orleans and other groups can work with Contractors once the ceiling has been fixed to avoid hazards.

  7. DOA State Agency Onboarding

    1. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. Ms. Lafont, Mr. McGrew, and Ms. Orgeron will meet with representatives of the DOA’s payroll and vendor accounting divisions in Baton Rouge on May 4.

  8. Student Enrollment Criteria, Process, and Deadlines for School Year 2023-24

    1. The board engaged in the following discussion on this agenda item:

      1. Members are encouraged to continue sharing the parent interest form.

      2. Members are encouraged to review the school’s website and social media. Available at https://www.ecolepointeauchien.org/

      3. Members discussed plans for sharing the form with more parents.

      4. Proposed locations for sharing the form including: Library, PAC Marina, PAC Tribal Office, St Charles Church, Sacred Heart Church, St. Anne Church, Live Oak Baptist Church, Bourg Baptist Church.

      5. Members discussed participating in the following events to discuss the school with parents: Vacation Bible Study, PAC Tribe Culture Camp.

    2. Members discussed including the flyer in church bulletings via the following points of contact: Katie DeHart - St Charles - and Becky Dardar - Sacred Heart.

    3. Members discussed advertising the school on Radio Stations, including Swamp Pop Station, KCIL, and Gumbo Station - 94.9.

    4. Members discussed holding a parent interest meeting at some point in late May / early June.

  9. Public Comment

    1. Member of the public Theresa Dardar offered support in sharing information with local churches.

  10. Adjourn

    1. On motion of Mr. Billiot, Seconded by Ms. Viguerie, the École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors adjourned the meeting at 7:27pm with no other business to come before the board.


EPAC Board Agenda - April 13, 2023


EPAC Board Agenda - April 24, 2023