EPAC Board Agenda - December 18, 2023

             Agenda for École Pointe-au-Chien Board of Directors Meeting

December 18, 2023 – 6:00 pm

Terrebonne Parish Library Main Branch, 151 Library Dr, Houma, LA 70360

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes 

    1. Oct 9, 2023

      1. Postpone to next meeting

  4. Review of Board Vacancies and Absences 

    1. Vacancies:  Annual Report to State that there are vacancies

      1. Grand Caillou Dulac - Shaina Ray has not responded

      2. UHN: 

      3. CODOFIL:  Peggy Feehan said that they will not appoint anyone

    2. Absences: 

      1. LDOE:  Ask if he can commit or can someone take his place  

      2. French Consul: can they appoint someone else? 

  5. Review of Board Member Obligations and Required Disclosures

    1. Ethics Training - by end of year

      1. Complete:  Jesse, Dawn, Jade, Caitlyn, Will

      2. Incomplete:  Missy - in progress, Donald (Jade will help)

    2. Tier 2.1 Disclosure - DUE MAY 15, 2023

      1. Do this with Donald. 

      2. Remind Valerie to do.

  6. Discussion of Budget

    1. FY 22-23 - Non-Profit Board

      1. $1 million added to the CEA and deposited in account on Friday.  

        1. How much should be donate to EPAC state agency? Would need to be spent by the end of the year.

        2. Most of funds for school

          1. Marketing,

          2. Capital expenses

      2. $10,000

        1. Donation from KFC to be used for miscellaneous school supplies and needs 

          1. Own printers for ink, snacks for the kids, parent day, activities tomorrow, paper, cardstock, school supplies, need purchase order

  7. FY 23-24 - State Agency 

    1. Updates

      1. $500,000 - base allocated for salaries

      2. $325,000 - interagency transfer to replace MFP funds

        1. Status - money has arrived

        2. Have to learn how to use this money to move funds

        3. Tables and equipment to furnish school 

        4. They suggest to put money in increments

        5. Have to allocate – 

        6. This board won’t donate money until epac board requests from the nonprofit

        7. Christine will send the budget to the EPAC board in January –budget for approval for the rest of this year 

      3. <$1 million - donation  

        1. January: CV will determine how much of the $1 million requesting from the nonprofit

  8. FY 24-25

    1. Executive Director will present budget for review in January 24-25

  9. HR / Hiring / Personal Services

    1. Executive Director - Executive Session

      1. Vote to update compensation based on increase in days to include  principal and superintendent responsibilities. 

    2. New Job Postings - Vote approve posting for new jobs. 

      1. Jade Bergeron motioned to approve posting of positions; seconded by Missy Viguerie

      2. ASAP – 

        1. Finance Director / CFO – ASAP

        2. Secretary

      3. For Next Fiscal Year

        1. Teachers

          1. Pre K French 

          2. Pre K Paraprofessional

          3. ELA 

          4. 2nd French

        2. Hiring or Personal Services?

          1. Food Provider – part time food position

          2. Bus Driver / Janitor / Maintenance

    3. Review of current employees.

      1. ELA teacher has never taught kids to read.  She has only worked with high school and junior high students.  

        1. Curriculum received five weeks ago.  Hasn’t seen the rigor.  

        2. Objectives, standards, scope and sequence – that is all that is needed.  

      2. Other person – planning.  Should take standards and match it to the units.  CV and S is doing all the standards for the ELA and Social living teacher.  In January, CV will deal with the state, Sharon will focus on the instructional coach.  

      3. Madame teachers but CV does her plans.  She needs guidance.  

      4. Ask them for materials and supplies list at beginning of the year 

        1. Will ask them in January to create a materials list

      5. Will evaluate once in the new building

        1. Need expectations

  10. Discuss of Renovations to Provisional and Final School Building 

    1. Vision Christian

    2. KC Hall

      1. Expected move in day?

      2. Keys for CV, DD, Sharon and Gaeton

      3. Asbestos at outside, easy to maintain

    3. PAC Elementary School Building

      1. Asbestos:  not as bad as thought in old school

        1. Glue holding tile down in kitchen, in utility room ceiling and ceiling in kitchen

        2. Library has asbestos outside in pavers

        3. Brick building – asbestos on top between beam and the ceiling asbestos

        4. If take out, take out before any other work

        5. Agree to take it out – send people to come and bid and take it out

        6. Motion to remove asbestos by Dawn Lafont, seconded by Missy Viguerie.  All approved.  

      2. Discussion of process?

  11. Student Recruitment 2024-25

    1. Develop plan for recruitment Pre-K through 2nd. 

      1. Need to focus on getting enrollment numbers up

    2. Discuss targets for enrollment per grade. 

      1. 15 per grade – goal 

      2. Assign Kaylie to contact and recruit students

      3. Can we manage multi-age model? 

    3. Enrollment form. 

    4. Promo Video

    5. Social Media

    6. Events / Visits

      1. Churches

      2. Mardi Gras

  12. 2024 Board Meetings

    1. Review proposed schedule. 

  13. Public Comment

  14. Remarks/Other Business

  15. Adjourn 


EPAC Board Agenda - January 22, 2024


EPAC Board Minutes - December 18, 2023